Experimental study on efficacy and toxicity of Pericarpium Granati ethanol extract in inhibiting clinically isolated microorganism strains 石榴皮乙醇提取物对临床分离菌株的抗菌作用及毒性试验研究
Experimental study of aqueous extract of Pericarpium granati for treating ulcerative colitis of rats 石榴皮水提物治疗溃疡性结肠炎模型大鼠的实验研究
Effects of Pericarpium Granati Extracts on Mice Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 石榴皮提取物对小鼠实验性前列腺增生的影响
Toxicologic Study on Vaginal Suppository of Pericarpium Granati in Rats 石榴皮阴道栓剂的毒理学实验研究
The animal experiments proved that pericarpium granati has inhibitory action on colitis gravis and gastric ulcer. 前人的动物实验证实,石榴皮提取物对溃疡性结肠炎、胃溃疡的发生都有一定的抑制作用。